
Robot chicken batman bat signal gif
Robot chicken batman bat signal gif

  • Eye Beams: One of his powers is emitting unstoppable, destructive laser beams from his eyes.
  • Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: As huge of a jerk this version of the character is, he bolts back to the farmstead when he hears that Martha might be in trouble.
  • Dude Where Is My Respect: Prone to demand it by reminding people that he saves lives or the world (but mostly as a way to make people shut up or stop bothering him).
  • Doomed Hometown: His home planet, Krypton, was destroyed in an Earth-Shattering Kaboom shortly after he was born.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: After an unpleasable Lois forces him to travel back in time for spurious reasons, he goes back to the end of Superman II and convinces his past self to let her die.
  • Leaving his Clark Kent clothes in random phone booths results in hobos picking them and being mistaken for him.
  • Says almost word for word when his plan to make supervillains forget their hate for him by kissing them results in them falling in love with him.
  • If someone is an Invincible Hero since he can remember, it only makes sense that he'd feel superior to others and act douchy.
  • Deconstruction: Of Superman's The Cape antics.
  • And in "Last Son of Krypton", Jor-El forgets to put food and water in his spaceship.
  • Dead Baby Comedy: Literal in "I will instruct him", as it ends with baby Superman crashing into the Indian Ocean instead of Kansas.
  • Of course, the dynamite is real and the boy dies while his mother watches. This keeps happening until he believes he's being conned again and refuses to help a boy strapped to a bunch of dynamite.
  • Crying Wolf: In "I Got Suped", several young boys cry danger to make Superman come and save him, then record him and upload it to Youtube.
  • Crossdresser: In " The Real World: Metropolis", he steals Catwoman's underwear and wears it over his own.

    For example, supporting Wonder Woman's free guess that the Hulk stole Catwoman's underwear, when it was actually Superman himself. Consummate Liar: He has no problem lying with a straight face and does it For the Lulz.Catchphrase: He sometimes introduces himself or leaves while humming "Buh-doop doop de-doo doop, Superman!" Also uses "Up, up, and away!" and "Another job well done!".Even his own supervillains, as shown by "The Super Kiss". The Casanova: Anyone he shows interest in falls for him."or something", revealing that he's not really that busy. When Aquaman asks him why he never vacuums the living room he says that he's busy saving the world. Call It Karma: In "Horn Dog", he uses his Eye Beams to castrate the very disapproving Krypto, who then uses his own Eye Beams on the Superb.Brought Down to Normal: Subverted in "Superman's Powers", where he only pretends to be depowered to have sympathy sex.Berserk Button: Being questioned, even implicitly, about his crimefighting and how useful it is.He insults Aquaman and makes fun of his powers (before murdering him), makes fun of the fact that Batman doesn't have any powers, is a terrible neighbor to Santa Claus and seduces his wife just to drive him mad, etc. Barbaric Bully: To any superhero he picks on.

    robot chicken batman bat signal gif

    Awful Wedded Life: In "Superman's Marriage", Lois turns to be such an awful wife that he decides to undo that time he time travelled to save her.Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: Jor-El in "Ghost Dad", who keeps appearing to Superman to give unwanted advice including when he is on the toilet and trying to have sex.

    robot chicken batman bat signal gif

    Always Someone Better: To Aquaman, Batman, Santa Claus.Alternate Universe: Most sketches are set in the classic comics and cartoons continuity or the 70s films, but some are in the Man of Steel universe.Adaptational Villainy: Though obviously Played for Laughs and with a softer side that surfaces from time to time, this egotistical version of Superman may be only second to Homelander from The Boys.Rather, Jor-El and Lara were going through a nasty divorce, and in a moment of spite, Jor-El blasted Clark off-planet with a rocket rather than give up custody of him. Everything else is the same apart from Jonathan Kent having to get creative in disciplining him for misbehavior, and Krypton not actually being destroyed. Adaptational Backstory Change: A mild variant.The Ace: He is superhuman, and he won't let people forget that wether they have powers or (more often) don't.

    Robot chicken batman bat signal gif